Authors » New For 2024

Submission Format, Participant-Only Program, and Optional DOI

Expanded Categories
As always, MicroTAS is the premiere venue for presenting cutting-edge work in ‘microfluidics’, broadly defined. For example, we welcome any abstract that features one or more of the 127 sub-categories below. Please select the most appropriate category for your work, but don’t worry too much if your work can fit into several categories, as the technical evaluation committees will consider them based on content, regardless of your choice.

Hot Topics
In 2024, we are highlighting four "hot topics" for the conference: (1) Artificial Intelligence in Microfluidics, (2) Environment and Energy, (3) Organ on a Chip, and (4) Wearables and Continuous Biosensing. If your abstract fits one of these topics, be sure to select the relevant "hot topics" box when you submit (in addition to the relevant Category).

Submit Your Paper Once
Your only submission to the MicroTAS 2024 Conference is the two-page submission due on 14 May. Your submission should include one page of text and one page of figures. Please follow the guidelines, templates, and examples provided. While it is preferred that all figures be on the second page, it is also acceptable for one figure to be included on the first page (as per the past example abstracts), as long as all of the other formatting rules are followed.

Accepted Papers Will Appear in Program as Submitted Upon Confirmation by Author
Papers submitted on the 14 May that are (i) accepted for presentation and (ii) confirmed by the presenting author (conditional on conference registration) will be compiled as is into a program that will be exclusively distributed to the attendees of MicroTAS 2024. The abstract will appear in the program as submitted. Please note that unlike in some past microTAS conferences, the abstracts will not be posted online unless the authors opt for DOI (see below).

If your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will not be asked to sign off copyright of your work for MicroTAS 2024.

Optional Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
All accepted abstracts will have the option to have a DOI number assigned. For those who select this option, the abstract will be posted online and hosted on the CBMS website.